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Who we are

A beautiful story that began in 1881, we continue to write it with you.

Charm and mystery. It is not known for sure, but it is thought that Cascina Faletta was built in 1881. This is suggested by the original ceramic plaque which bears that date, still fixed to the entrance gate. This first element announces the precise intention of the owners, Elena Novarino and Giovanni Rosso: to preserve the traces of the past. A meticulous renovation, for example, has given new life to the original floors and ceilings. Even the items of furniture, individually selected by Elena, are vintage.

Recovery, as a modus operandi, is testimony to the owners’ respect for Faletta’s soul. A location that is strongly marked by its history, by the characters who have inhabited it over time, such as Marchesa Virginia, thought to be its first owner.

A location surrounded by vineyards: one document certifies that in as early as 1957 Faletta was awarded 500,000 Lire for being considered a winery of excellence. Now, like then, the journey into the extraordinary world of wine continues. And, as it should be, every bottle is testimony to the past. Visit the Wines page to discover why. You will also find interesting stories in the sections on agritourism and the restaurant.

Their love and deep respect for the past has not prevented the owners, Elena and Giovanni, from equipping Cascina Faletta with the most modern technologies. The crowning glory is the home automation system which intelligently manages and regulates all of the location’s devices, from the lights to the air conditioning.


Woman, entrepreneur and mother. Together with her husband Giovanni she has invested time and money to make a lifelong dream come true, the restoration of an old farmhouse to restore the charm and splendor of our Monferrato. She takes care of the general administration and she welcome the guests in the Bed and Breakfast. Graduated in mathematics in 1987 in Pavia, she deals with the food cost analyses and with the balance sheets. Intelligent and with a lot of patience, she has supported us since the dawn of time. The mom is always the mom.


Son of Elena and Giovanni, Lorenzo deals with the wine business in Cascina Faletta. After graduating in marketing and communications in 2010 he decided, together with a friend, to realize his biggest dream: traveling around the world by land. After visiting 24 states in 450 days, he decided to dedicate himself full time to viticulture. He is a cellarman, winemaker, salesman, sommelier. He catches fish even when he sleeps. Come on Lurens!


Rising chef in the year 2000, winner of the Rice Olympics in 2006. A meticulous search for zero-kilometer raw materials and a silent and calibrated dose of creativity proposed in his dishes, these are the characteristics that distinguish Chef Paolo’s cuisine. A guarantee in the kitchen, he is with us since the beginning of our adventure. Pablito is here!


After a long experience as entertainer, he leaves the world of holiday camps to dedicate himself to the restaurant’s world. Precision, empathy and sympathy are his greatest qualities. In the morning phone calls, emails and Excel tables, in the evening he welcomes the guests in the restaurant. The Bo$$ is back.


Giulia, Lorenzo’s partner, is a new entry in the Faletta team. He knows everything about watches, diamonds and jewelry. After meeting Lorenzo, he became passionate about wine and food pairing and after a few years he decided to change his life to dedicate himself full time to this new project. Today she supports Elena in welcoming of the guests in the B&B, she takes care of the restaurant finances and helps Lorenzo with the wine tastings. She is beautiful, blonde and smiling. Pretty Juliet


The dining room is his natural habitat, the relationship with the client his daily bread. He has been with us since the beginning of our journey, when the guests come back, they ask for him. Tall, handsome and always smiling, he kills hearts at weddings. It’s our model. For Ale Ip Ip Urrà.


Also, Daniele as Giulia is a new entry in Faletta. The case is that his surname recalls also his great passion for horses. After a past as a security officer, he receives the call from the god of the stove and thus begins his journey in the gastronomic kitchens. Today he works alongside Chef Paolo in the preparation of the dishes at the restaurant. Even on rough days, he always has a smile to cheer people up. It’s our Danielone


Arrived on tiptoe, shy and perhaps a little insecure, today she has become a cornerstone of our restaurant’s dining room. Passionate about fashion since she was a child, our Terry in a few years has acquired confidence, skills and sense of responsibility. Today we couldn’t do nothing without her. Beautiful and smiling even if sometimes she doesn’t want to admit it, today we are happy to still have her in our team. Super Terry!


The last arrival into the team but immediately a protagonist in the kitchen. Born in 2001 and originally from Villanova Monferrato, Uncle Sam arrives in Faletta after several experiences in the world of cooking: from the resorts on the beaches of Porto Cervo to the hotels in the mountains of Courmayeur, today the boy has decided to cooking in his homeland. Young, flexible and friendly, he takes care of preparing the first courses and dispenses free good humor. We want you for Faletta’s Army.